Agile Value Delivery Accelerator Program

Elevate Your IT Delivery Performance

Our Agile Value Realisation Accelerator is a focused, high-impact engagement designed to deliver maximum value in just four weeks

Problem Statement

In today's fast-paced business environment, IT departments often struggle with:

  • Slow and unpredictable delivery
  • Escalating costs with unclear ROI
  • Misalignment between IT capabilities and business needs
  • Low visibility of work in progress/status
Source Agility Workflow

Solution Overview

Our Agile Value Realisation Accelerator addresses these challenges head-on through a three-pronged approach:

  1. Optimise Delivery: Streamline your technology delivery lifecycle for faster, more predictable outcomes.

  2. Refine Tools: Configure work management tools to enhance visibility, governance, and efficiency.

  3. Align Roles: Clarify team structures and responsibilities to improve collaboration and decision-making.
Delivery Acceleration Program Outline

Program Outline

Week 1: Comprehensive Assessment & Opportunity Identification
  • Conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders
  • Analyse current workflows, tools, and team structures
  • Identify quick wins and long-term optimisation opportunities
  • Deliverable: Detailed Current State Analysis Report
Week 2: Tailored Roadmap Development
  • Prioritise improvement initiatives based on impact and feasibility
  • Design custom strategies for delivery optimisation, tool refinement, and role alignment
  • Develop a clear, actionable implementation plan
  • Deliverable: Customised Agile Value Realisation Roadmap
Week 3: Quick Win Implementation & Knowledge Transfer
  • Execute high-impact, low-effort improvements
  • Provide hands-on training for immediate tool and process enhancements
  • Begin upskilling sessions on agile best practices
  • Deliverable: Quick Win Implementation Report & Initial Training Materials
Week 4: Tailored Roadmap Development
  • Finalise the long-term optimization strategy
  • Conduct workshops to ensure team readiness for sustained improvements
  • Establish metrics and monitoring processes for ongoing success
  • Deliverables: Final Presentation, Long-Term Strategy Document, and Handover Package

Immediate Gains, Lasting Momentum: Your Accelerator Experience

Throughout this fixed-price engagement, we work closely with your team, ensuring knowledge transfer at every step. By the end of the four weeks, you'll have not only seen tangible improvements but will also possess a clear, actionable plan for continued optimisation and value delivery.

Our Agile Value Realisation Accelerator is designed to provide high ROI, combining immediate enhancements with a robust framework for long-term success. It's the perfect balance of off-the-shelf efficiency and tailored solutions, giving you a clear pathway to elevate your IT from a cost center to a value driver.

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Program Investment

The Source Agility “Agile Value Delivery Accelerator Program” is priced at $9,600 + GST.

Reach out to us today to begin or schedule a free initial consultation.

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